Well hopefully I can keep working at it! It would be nice to get most of this done today... UGH I hate end of semesters...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Procrastination may be winning today...
I'm all for spring and good weather - but does it have to come when I'm supposed to be inside writing a paper? We all know that bright sunlight is not conducive to working outside with a laptop. So I take quick breaks outside to re-read sections of articles that I'm using for my paper, but going back inside is so difficult...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Julie 1 - Procrastination 0
So things are moving along. The fact that the semester ends in less than a month is freaking me out slightly but such is life. The report for our seminar we gave a few weeks ago is now done which is a relief and leaves me free to focus purely on business intelligence - the research for which is going well. I hope to finish that off today and possibly start writing today if not tomorrow.
Other than that, not much going on. Going to check out the home show tonight with friends - hopefully should give us some ideas :)
On that note, I shall go have a shower, get some coffee and be productive!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Weekend #2!
Today marks the second weekend of Rehearsal for Murder - hopefully the crowds will be a little bigger now that we are back in the West Island where most of our friends and family are - as well as all the anglophones! We are at John Abbott tonight so come one and come all! The show is a lot of fun :)
Productivity has been somewhat mediocre... despite what I vowed on Monday... However I am making good progress with the readings and as soon as I'm done here, I'll get started on my 'Business Intelligence' paper... woohoo...

Monday, March 16, 2009
...it all ends now...
and as they say on sesame street, last week was brought to you by the letter P... as in procrastination! and it all ends now! (or as soon as i'm done writing this blog). I'm not sure how I managed to get so little done. Well yesterday was easy - it was 8 degrees and we went for a walk on the mountain and had some yummy yummy ice cream - the first of the season! But as of today its down to business. I have so many papers and projects its kind of making my head spin! On top of all the weekly readings and delightful quizzes!
And on that note, I bid you farewell to read an article on intelligence...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Ah Procrastination!
Miss Falkenberg is always leading me into procrastination techniques... this one being quite entertaining I have to say... So here is her new game/procrastination technique:

See her blog at http://outlookdoubtful.blogspot.com/
And here is the result...

Sunday, March 8, 2009
A thoroughly enjoyable weekend!
Not much to rant about this weekend! Was thoroughly enjoyable! Friends from Halifax came up to visit and we had a great time at the cottage relaxing, enjoying good food and wine and the hottub! The most exertion we had was a trip to the village of Tremblant where we walked around a bit and had a snack and some drinks! To our amazement there were drink specials - mixed drinks...$4!!! When was the last time you saw that? And at Tremblant no less! And these weren't just your basic rum and cokes either... yummy delicious Amaretto sour! Sad to say it is Monday, our friends have left and it is back to the grind!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Generally speaking, I love Zip.ca... I'm pretty lazy when it comes to certain things and usually can't be bothered to go rent movies unless its on my way (going to the gym also has to be convenient). So when B introduced me to Zip.ca I thought this was perfect! For anyone who doesn't know about it - its the Canadian version of NetFlix - you pick movies off a list (your zip list) and the mail them to you - when you're done you put them in the provided, stamped envellope and send them back! Although every now and then I get movies in the mail and I think "seriously? I ordered this?" And if you question it, it turns out you did, for some unknown reason, indeed put the questionable movie on the list. This week's example is apparently I put Mickey Blue Eyes on my list... now generally I like Hugh Grant particularly the last 5-6 years... but why would I order a mediocre (at best movie) from 10 years ago? Mystery!
As you can probably tell there is really no theme to this blog... just random thoughts! Enjoy!
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